Juan José Arregui in an international performance./Javier Sánchez-RFESS
Spanish referee Juan José Arregui will be deputy referee in four types of events at the Lifesaving European Championships
He is the one who has received the most appointments by the College of Referees of the International Lifesaving Federation of Europe
The Spanish referee Juan José Arregui Pérez has been appointed as deputy referee in four of the six types of events that will be disputed in the Youth and Open Lifesaving European Championships that will take place from 12 to 18 September in Castellón de la Plana.
Arregui thus becomes the international referee with the highest number of appointments out of the eighteen made by the College of Referees of International Lifesaving Federation of Europe (ILSE) for the European Championships in Castellón.
The Spaniard will be deputy referee in the three types of events in the open category, the pool and ocean events and in the simulacre rescue event (SERC), where he will have the same function in the junior category.
Juan José Arregui is a national referee and has category ‘A’ at international level in both pool and ocean and ‘B’ in the SERC event and since 2017 he has been a member of the College of Referees of the ILSE.
Since December last year he has been president of the National Referees Committee of the Royal Spanish Lifesaving Federation (CNA).
Two referees are appointed in three types of events, the Dutchman Bob Dekkers and the British Ian Hutchings. The first will be chief referee in the open SERC and youth pool events and deputy referee in the SERC in this same category and the second will be chief referee in this event and deputy referee in the same event but in the open category and youth ocean events.
Four referees have been appointed for two types of events. The Italian Marcos T. Vaiani will be chief referee in the pool events in the open category and deputy in the ocean events, the German Arno Eberle will act as chief referee in the ocean events and deputy in the pool events in the open category, the Belgian Wim Nuyens will act as chief referee in the ocean events and will be deputy in the pool events in the youth category, while the German Claudia Kuntz will be deputy in the pool and ocean events in this category. 2021/8/26